About Our School

Meet Our Teachers

Teachers at Insight are prepared to provide a positive instructional experience. All students will have multiple content teachers who monitor progress, provide both large and targeted intervention when needed, answer questions, and are available during the school day through email, phone calls, or live “Class Connect” sessions. Students will also have a homeroom teacher who will lead them through 7 Mindsets, a social-emotional learning curriculum which will be delivered through a homeroom model. Students and Learning Coaches can find comfort in knowing that any teacher or staff member can connect them to someone to answer their questions or address their concerns.

Unlike a traditional school, our teachers do most of this work remotely rather than in the physical classroom. Teachers communicate with both Learning Coaches and students on a regular basis through various methods such as email, phone, one-to-one online meetings, and live Class Connect sessions. Due to the nature of our virtual school, it is very important for both students and Learning Coaches to be well connected. We recommend checking emails no less than once a day.

Middle School

Middle school students can expect a fair amount of time spent in Class Connect sessions with their teachers and classmates. This time may be instructional or “work time” in nature to complete homework during the school day while receiving support by a teacher or advisor. Completing assignments will also be a key part of the student’s day; daily work will be assigned in most courses which can be completed during Class Connect sessions or before/after school.

As your child progresses, the teacher remains involved to monitor progress, ensure mastery, and develop a specific intervention plan if he or she is struggling with a concept. These difficulties are identified by assessments that come at the end of every lesson and unit; by the regular Star 360 testing prescribed at the beginning, middle, and end of the year; and through direct check-ins between parent, student, and teacher. 

High School

By high school, while students will continue to have instruction through real-time Class Connect sessions, a great deal of time will be spent completing assignments by working through the content on their own time. Of course, extra sessions can be scheduled, as needed, with the teacher. Small group online sessions will also be available to help students work through difficult topics. High school teachers are all subject-matter experts and are available to help with coursework and answer questions online, over the phone, and by posting information and advice for all students in the Content tab.

Successful students will attend all required Class Connect sessions, complete all homework assignments, and communicate with their teacher frequently. Establishing a regular routine is key! Teachers, advisors, and Learning Coaches can work together to come up with a plan for success.